I am not even sure how I ended up looking into the possibility of working in Abu Dhabi. I had a friend that is currently teaching over there, but I am not sure how the idea became a part of my spirit. I have a great job as a principal and "we" (students, staff, and community) have been able to turn the school around in just a year. I am closer to my family both in proximity and in connectedness than I have ever been in years.....So why Abu Dhabi? The question is simple....I LOVE LIFE! I think that there are many people who wake up everyday without an appreciation or even an understanding that you only get 1 life. The thought of being able to work with other educators who have made a commitment to something greater than themselves, disrupt their life, move half way across the world, and do all of this with many unknowns is exciting! I'm not much of a writer, but I figure this will be an outlet as I have heard the waiting can be painful. My goal also is to answer all of the questions for others, that I wondered about through myself. I am not sure how long this blog will last, because to date, I have not formally been offered yet. It may be over before it even begins:) LOL
I'll begin with my story..In October I decided to come home one Friday night and complete my application. Like most, I received an email within a week asking me to schedule an interview via Skype. I thought to myself, WOW! That was quick!! Originally, I had applied for a Cluster Manager position. The interview went well and I was notified that I would move to the next round, but that ADEC would be dictating the time lines which were not known by my recruiter, which was Teach Away at the time. I received an email a few weeks later stating that they had not heard anything about the positions so they were assuming that they had all been filled.
In November I received an email that I almost skipped right over asking me if I was still interested in a Principal/Vice Principal position. I replied YES!!!!!! I had a phone interview and was told again that I would advance to the next round.....but again timelines where unknown...SIGH..HERE WE GO AGAIN:) All I was told was that the next round would be after the new year (2015). So I went on with my life:) I have learned to be patient and not worry about the things that I cannot control.....I give those things to GOD. However, I think that this process will test both my patience and faith:)
In January I received an email asking me to choose preliminary interview dates and locations. This was difficult because I wanted to begin the process as soon as possible....so I could learn my fate, as soon as possible:) However, my girlfriend and I were expecting our little "Madisyn" during the same time period. What the hell, I choose the first location, which was New York and it was the same date as our due date:) For some reason, I just knew everything would work out. The wait was intense though....I checked everyday for an official interview invite. Again, I decided to just let it go and give it to God.
On February 2nd, Madisyn arrived at 6:41 weighing 6.2 pounds. My girlfriend had gone into labor at about 1:00 a.m. that morning. By the time we were assigned our room and got settled, it was about 10:00 p.m. I know I have no right to complain, but I was exhausted. I passed out on the make shift couch/bed and was awoken by one of the many nurse visits. It was around 3:00 a.m. I looked down at my phone and noticed that I had an email from my recruiter. IT WAS THE OFFICIAL NEW YORK INVITE!
Here is the ironic part of all of this. I interviewed for my first principalship "days" after my son was born. I literally still had on the arm band from the hospital. I took this a good sign!! When my girlfriend awoke, I told her the news and she was extremely supportive, although you can understand that her joy was a bit muted due to her exhaustion and new focus:)
When we arrived home, I made the flight and hotel arrangements. I re-read the invitation email again and noticed that it was going to be a Skype interview. While I am exited, I would prefer an in person interview. AND, because I was notified within a week of the interview, the plane tickets were expensive....all this money for a Skype interview. Oh well, its a blessing to be chosen to be interviewed and even more of a blessing that God has provided the means for me to be able to purchase the ticket and hotel.
So needless to say, when i haven't been sleeping, I have been scouring the blogs and joined every Facebook page I could to connect with others to get some insight. Hopefully, the interview will be blessed and I will know rather quickly if I am selected so I can move to the next steps literally, mentally, and physically.
I titled my blog "Incognito for now" because there are only a select few that know about any of this. I already know that there are some people in my life that are happy with me living my life "inside the box" that they are comfortable with. I don't want the negative energy or the million questions about why. I want to be in a great space and my girlfriend and my mom are both excited about the process and potential, so those are the ones that I will take with me into the interview. Others will eventually find out if I am successful, but by then it will be too late:)
I just found your blog and I'm so happy that I did! I'm currently going through the process of applying for a position in Dubai/Abu Dhabi. And like you, I was wondering if I were jumping the gun by beginning a blog before I even had an offer. I'm contemplating sharing my blog with others, I don't want to be disappointed if it doesn't work in my favor. But I've prayed about it and claimed it, so I'm not going to worry about it too much. For now, I'm enjoying reading the many blogs of teachers living in the UAE. I wish you and your family many blessings and success!